What is backlink

alat seo dan seo off page
Panduan Studi Pemasaran Digital dan teknik Seo

Alat SEO dan SEO dari halaman
Tahukah Anda bahwa backlink memiliki dampak positif dan negatif pada penggunanya.

Untuk itu, agar kita dapat meningkatkan backlink saya akan menguraikan teknik-teknik dari setiap teknik backlink yang dapat membantu meningkatkan traffic SEO Anda.

Daftar Isi:
1.1 Konten Berkualitas
2.1 Tautan Rusak
3.1 Teknik Linkbait
4.1 Voyeur Voyeur
5.1 Berbagi media sosial
6.1 Gerak Merek

Do you already know what is backlnk and how to do it. For that we better language one by one.
Have you known what is Linkbuiding?

Link Building is a way to get backlinks from someone else's website to your website.
There are some concepts in doing such backlinks
The first is that you get the link voluntarily and someone links the link into their article.
Surely you already know, that in order to get backlinks voluntarily and in a quality it's a difficult way, the point of all of this is how the content we serve is quality and beneficial to many people.
And will make others want to recommend your website.

In this guide I will include techniques in conducting linkbuiding so that our blog or Website get a higher Traffik.

1. Quality content

Why with this?

This is one of the foundations in doing such backlinks Karna how can people do a backlink to our content, Kalo content that we present does not provide benefits for many people.
Maybe this can hurt the heart, when the content we make is hard to say is not quality. But you don't need to worry there are some ways that the content we provide benefits and can be said to be quality.

Some things we need to note as follows:

1. Content in the writing, look more prominent and creative. Different from others.
2. Content makes the visitors feel at home and comfortable
3. The topics are trending-Trendnya
4. And the last one is to solve the problem for the visitors
That's some of the things we should look at in writing a content.

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2. Broken Link

Did you know what a broken link is?

Broken Link is the move of a page link website that has been dead pointing to the new link page.
Why can this happen? Because the content we serve has been removed, or has expired or been done repairs by the owner of the website and other things.

In writing doing such techniques we can insert our link from a website that has been mentioned above by directing the link to our website link.

Have you confused how to do this? You can connect or tell the website owner that the link is dead and before you tell the website owner make sure you have created an article on the same topic.

Unfortunately in conducting such techniques we do not know whether the owner of the website will or does not insert our articles.

3. Linkbait Technique

Do you know what the bait link is?
Linkbait is Writing a content that attracts many people. In doing so you can do it in the following way:

1. The articles you make are widely talked about many people or are being tranding topics.
2. Write a news content that is trending
3. Write a fully presented article
4. And content that can help many audiences feel entertained and feel interactive
That's some way of writing the technique because in doing so you can drive your website traffic.

4. Voyeur

can yes there is a technique of voyeur voyeur Karna In doing this you can see any backlinks used by your competitors, with the tools below you can see from their backlinks like the following:
1. Arfesh
2. SEO Spy Glass
3. Open Site Explorer
4. Open Link Profiler
5. and Majesctic SEO

From some of the tools above you can see a list of what backlinks are used by competitors as they do with backlinks from a social media, community forum and writing a blog.

5. Platfrom social media sharing

For those of you who want to do this you can use social bookmarking in search of a popularity of a blog. You can use social bookmarking as follows:

1. YouTube

2. Medium

3. Kompasiana

4. Slidshare

5. Social media platform

And other

From some of the above examples you can menshring your articles but before you do that. Make sure you need to first interact with members such as groups or communities. To increase confidence in the members content therein. In fact there is still another way of loading images through piterrast then you fill in the description of your image after that you can insert land Connect your website ink.

And from here you already understand how to do this backlink technique actually in doing this difficult hard because in doing this we learn how to socialize for a large community community. And if you don't understand I'll add some technique techniques that friends can use.

6 Brand mention link techniques

Do you already know what the brand mention link is?

In doing so you need a website page that you've used before and have gotten a high traffik.

For those of you who want to use the technique you can use the tools below:

1. Google Aletrs

2. Talk Walker Aletrs

3. Fresh Web Aletrs

4. And the tools mention

What the usability of these tools is like you will know who is talking about your brand and this will help you to include some of your accounts.

If you have a mention of some of these topics you can contact the owner of the website and ask politely so that you can convert the text into an active link.

7. With active social media and community forums

I've explained above that in social media you can increase your website or blog traffic.

Usually in a forum is a container for people who are looking to learn. This can help you find and attract a lot of your blog visitors.

In doing so you can do it like the following:

1. Find a forum that matches your content. Masa yes the cave enter into a community of psychology children but its content is related about hacking is not possible.

2. You can install or complete your photos and data

3. Make a feedback from comments on the forum

4. Approach them until they recognize you

5. After the approach you can insert some articles article you

Dari hingga aktivasi Anda di media sosial atau forum forum Anda dapat meningkatkan lalu lintas situs web Anda. Namun, Anda juga harus memperhatikan untuk menghindari Spamming akun Anda.

8. Teknik Konten Egobait

Apakah umpan ego itu?

Kuil Ego dapat diterjemahkan dengan memanfaatkan sifat manusia.

Dengan demikian Anda dapat menggunakannya dengan menulis konten yang terkait dengan organisasi, bisnis, atau seseorang.

Dalam melakukan harapan ini ada umpan balik dari mereka dan kemudian merekomendasikan situs web Anda di situs web mereka atau di plat dari media sosial.

Ini dapat dilakukan sebagai 20 situs web terbaik di Indonesia dan seterusnya.

Dan itulah beberapa teknik yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk melakukan backlink ini. Bagi Anda yang ingin belajar tentang SEO. Anda dapat halaman selanjutnya apa itu SEO? Pada artikel ini Anda sudah tahu cara melakukan teknik backlink